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Selection of Pates
2,48 (excl. VAT)
Ceramic message "Thanks for Everything"
9,92 (excl. VAT)
Pato Frio - Grande Escolha - Antão Vaz 2017
9,92 (excl. VAT)
Salad Cutlery
10,74 (excl. VAT)
Mesa giftbox for the table
148,76 (excl. VAT)
Pate of Tuna
2,48 (excl. VAT)
Ceramic message "Happy B-Day"
9,92 (excl. VAT)
Gáudio - Reserva - Tinto 2017
16,53 (excl. VAT)
Ceramic message "Merry X-Mas"
9,92 (excl. VAT)
Water pitcher in hand-made ceramic "Agua Fresca".
16,53 (excl. VAT)
Coaster "Dourada"
8,26 (excl. VAT)
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Shopping basket totals

Subtotal 245,46 (excl. VAT)


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21% VAT (estimated for the United States) 51,54
Total 297